Mindify talks about lung cancer and AI in the US

 Mindify talks about lung cancer and AI in the US

I-ELCAP events bring together leading physicians, researchers and other professionals dedicated to fight against lung cancer

Mindify’s approach of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to aid early diagnosis is attracting a lot of attention including from world-renowned physicians such as Dr. Ricardo Sales from Albert Einstein Israelite Hospital and Dra. Claudia Henschke from Mount Sinai Hospital. Both deal with Lung Cancer, one of the most degrading diseases, Dr. Ricardo as a Thoracic Surgeon and Dra. Claudia as head of a global initiative to promote Lung Cancer early diagnosis called I-ELCAP (International Early Lung Cancer Action Program).

The Early Lung Cancer Action Program (ELCAP) screening effort began in 1992 and evolved into the International Early Lung Cancer Action Program (I-ELCAP). By providing training and the ELCAP Management System to those interested in screening, these programs expanded worldwide. The resulting data and analyses provide new diagnostic knowledge that is being continually integrated into the screening regimen so that it remains state-of-the-art. In addition, the Early Lung Cancer Research on Treatment (IELCART) uses the power of the prospective cohort design to accumulate data on treatment delivered for Stage I lung cancer and to address questions about optimal treatment. The IELCART research goal is to maximize the benefit of screening by determining optimal treatment for these Stage I lung cancer patients.

André Ramos, Mindify’s CEO, was invited by Dra. Claudia Henscheke to share innovative approaches to use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to outreach to smokers, the most susceptible public to lung cancer. This knowledge exchange will take place in New York next October 18th during the 39th International Conference on Screening for Lung Cancer. This conference has the mission of understanding the issues surrounding the early diagnosis of lung cancer, how to optimize early treatment, and to expand practice-relevant research to medical and scientific communities in the U.S. and abroad.

With the medical support of Dr. Ricardo Sales Mindify can help outreach smokers by using AI to provide secure and easy to use evidence-based medical protocols, so any physicians can easily learn how and when to use the newest medical techniques available to diagnose and treat lung cancer.

This features ease procedures and helps physicians to consider lung cancer even if this disease it is not part of their medical specialty or routine. Once they got a suspicious diagnosis they can refer the patient to a cancer specialist by telemedicine or for a personal attendance. In both cases, Mindify can share patients’ data to foster better, faster and cheaper diagnoses and treatments.

By its protocol’s Mindify can coach physicians, at low cost, anywhere in the world and can validate the clinical data they generate using Artificial Intelligence (AI). This generates valuable real-world clinical data that may be used to foster drugs and scientific R&D from renowned groups such as I-ELCAP.

Mindify’s team is glad and proud to be part of the 39th International Conference on Screening for Lung Cancer and thanks to Dr. Claudia Henscheke and I-ELCAP team for the recognition and support.

For more information about the event, please refer to https://events.ielcap.org/

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